Ich bin aus Amerika, im Jahr 18, würde ich haben viel Spaß macht Party in Amsterdam?
2008-07-07 14:06:56 UTC
Hallo Ich lebe in Amerika, den einzigen Ort i wollen angeschaut mehr als irgendwo ist amsterdam, Ich bin 18 Jahre, würde es Spaß machen? Gute Nacht Leben? zumal man muss 21 zu trinken hier. Würde mich und ein paar Freunde haben eine Menge Spaß da draußen feiern? Slso Ich bin sehr interessiert an der holocoaust museams, sind sie gut, wie gut?
Fünf antworten:
2008-07-08 01:54:04 UTC
Hey hi Amsterdam is such an awesome city , with such a lively night life believe me it is worth seeing . By day there are many things to see and do ,, such as go and visit the famous Anna Frank Museum , There is a great pancake joint down the road called 'The Pancake Bakery ' the pancakes there are awesome and delicious , many shops by day beautiful walks on the canals , watch out for the dutch cyclists :)

By night the red light district is alive with window hookers , take your pick :) only kidding . There is also the famous sex museum to visit that is close to the main train station. The Bars are so cool , you can drink when you are 16 and , amsterdam would be of coarse the famous city for hash , and please do me one favour go and experience a sex shop . So please take your friends and enjoy this great dutch city its good .
2008-07-07 14:13:25 UTC
Jap du kannst haben viel Spass mit 18 grins. No damn sure. Amsterdam is a good place to be, when you re eighteen, and yes you are allowed to drink and even to smoke dope in amsterdam.

By the way Amsterdam is not in Germany and they are not speaking German in Amsterdam.......

Thank you for deleting me for the simple fact, that Amsterdam is not a German city.....
2008-07-07 15:07:47 UTC
Anne Frank... ist eine große wahre Geschichte.

Nachtleben in Amsterdam, macht bestimmt Spaß.

Bleibt zusammen und passt auf Euch auf, dann wird es eine schöne Zeit.
2008-07-07 14:16:38 UTC
You know that Amsterdam is in the Netherlands right? I'm just checking, because it seems strange that you are asking here.

I have heard Amsterdam is a very good place for nightlife and drinking, and there are lots of other things to do there too, I'm sure you can find a tourist guide if you go to your bookshop, the museums are supposed to be good.
2008-07-07 14:12:11 UTC
woher sollen wir wissen ob du Spass in Amsterdam haben wirst?!

Und lass mich raten du hast nichtmal den geringsten Schimmer wo Amsterdam ist?

Typisch Amerikaner -.-

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